Chili Cook Off - New Date!

Save the date for Wednesday, March 19 from 5-6:30pm. Youth Group will be hosting the annual chili cook off and potato bar event and we would love to have you join us. We will be looking for some contestants to enter in to the chili cook off competition! There is no charge to submit a crock-pot of chili and the winner will receive a prize. We ask that you please bring the chili to the church by 3:30pm on March 19.

Soup & Bun Night/Kub Car Races

Mark your calendars for March 1, 5:30pm at Maranatha for this annual Cadet event! 

Join us for soup and buns and fellowship followed by the Kub Car Races.

If you are interested in entering a Kub Car in the race and/or for show, there are kits available. Everyone can participate, young & old. Entry fees apply. For more information talk to Sid Vanderwilp.